Articles by: chickybus

SWF in Syria (1): First Date & Still Smitten | Chicky Bus

In some ways, traveling to Syria was like going on a blind date…with someone who looks like a bad boy on the outside, but is actually a great guy on the inside. Of course, I didn’t know that when I met him for the first time. People Warned Me I’d […]

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Your Cookies or Your Life! Colombia’s Wild West ‘Tollbooths’ | Chicky Bus

Children, some cute as a button and others subtly menacing, come running as your vehicle approaches the leather band strung across the desert road. Tires on either side mean circumvention is impossible. Adults, parents or other family members, sometimes wait in the distance…just in case. Just in case you don’t have cookies. […]

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7 Quirky, Cool (and Colorful) Things About Colombia | Chicky Bus

Colombia is a gorgeous country, one that’s colorful in a literal and a figurative sense. lt’s also uniquely itself and quirky in certain ways. Some of these quirks, whether cool or colorful or both, are easy to notice when traveling there. Here’s just some of what I encountered… 1. The […]

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