Articles by: chickybus

5 Fantasy Trips—and Why I Haven’t Taken Them…Yet | Chicky Bus

If you’ve visited this site before, then you may know that I’ve traveled to more than 25 countries (on 5 continents), including some that might be considered ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ journeys; I’ve also had “life-changing” experiences along the way. I feel great about where I’ve been and have no regrets. Of course, […]

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Village in Sumatra, Indonesia (Photo of the Day) | Chicky Bus

Today’s photo I shot right here in Payakumbuh, the village where I’m staying in Western Sumatra in Indonesia. Normally, I only post unfiltered/unaltered photos, but this time, I just couldn’t resist… Payakumbuh–the village in Western Sumatra, Indonesia, where I’m currently staying This is (minus the filter) what I see when […]

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