
6 Offbeat #Travel Experiences I’ve Had in Sumatra, #Indonesia | Chicky Bus

I tend to have some offbeat/quirky experiences wherever and whenever I travel. And here in Sumatra, Indonesia (Payakumbuh specifically), it’s been happening yet again. And know what? I’m really enjoying it. I’ve gotten many laughs out of these situations (especially #5) and I hope you do, too. Without further ado, […]

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Chicky Bus–A Chicken Bus Adventure (conclusion)

Click here to read Chicky Bus pt. 1. Chicky Bus (pt. 2) (c) L Egle, 2010 Checking things out I stood to the side of the bus, waiting for the pre-border officials to check things out. They came off the bus carrying the large garbage bag I’d spotted, which appeared […]

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Costa Rican Monkey (Photo of the Day) | Chicky Bus

I was having breakfast and thinking about the day I’d soon be spending at the Montezuma beach when, all of a sudden, this cute monkey showed up and began to play. I must admit that I enjoyed watching the show; it’s not everyday that I get to see a monkey […]

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